I went back to work last Friday, but today really started hitting things hard. In fact, I started at 7 o'clock this morning, and I'm having to force myself to stop now (it's 8:20 pm). Not everything was work...but even the "non-work" stuff was interspersed with work stuff.
I met my goal for translation projects for today (unfortunately, this doesn't happen too often, since I'm very good at overestimating what I can get done in a day). I'm working on the simplified English version of the last teacher's manual in the series! That means the end is in sight. Gabi's on target to finish right on schedule next June with the student manuals. I'm having to slow down the teacher manual translation so we don't get too far ahead (the books are too closely interrelated, and we need to be able to refer back & forth in the final translation). Student book #8 has been done for awhile, but the courier actually takes it off to the publisher tomorrow. Book #9 is ready for proofreading. Did I mention that the end is in sight?!?! :)
So, while I was typing today, I also made & froze taco meat, did laundry, and cleaned the kitchen. While my car was being washed (inside & out - it was to the point of DISGUSTING!), I caught up on most of my e-mail correspondence. And this evening, I alternated between the living room, where I was responding to an audit request, organizing financial receipts & getting ready to do reports, and the kitchen, where I was making barbecued chicken, rice & broccoli (dinner tonight and 5 more dinners in the freezer). And I cleaned the kitchen again.
If I were really dedicated (or a workaholic), I'd be working on filing all of those financial reports right now. But I'm trying really hard not to be a workaholic. So I'm catching up the blog instead. Aren't you glad?