27 September 2007

A Month in Review

So, what have I been up to during the last month while I've been AWOL? Here's a quick look...

After depleting my stock this summer, it's time to restock the pantry. So, when I've been home, it's been applesauce, apple butter, pizza sauce, pasta sauce, peaches...whatever I can preserve and stick in the pantry for winter!

Jenny helped stuff my pantry, too, when she came to visit. So now I've got good homemade stuff and good not-so-homemade stuff. : )

Now I just need to work on stocking that freezer that I'm babysitting while the Windham family is in the States...

But, I really haven't been home that much. Tonight will be my 7th night in my apartment in the entire month of September. The month started with meeting guest speakers in Bucharest and then taking them to our teacher training retreat.

After the retreat, we went back to Bucharest & enjoyed a fantastic concert with the Oslo Philharmonic. It wasn't at the Athenaeum (pictured below), but we enjoyed it nonetheless.

The team left on Sunday and Rebecca came to visit from Budapest. My goal is to see something new everytime someone comes to visit (so I don't always go back to the same old places), so we explored some and found the Kilometer 0 marker, the place from which all distances in Romania are measured.

A couple of days later, Ruth came to visit, too, and the 3 of us went to visit Peles and Bran castles.

A week later, Jenny came as we prepared to say goodbye to the Windhams. The four of us had an all night girls' party. Here they are singing and dancing to Veggie Rock. Relient K singing "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything." Quite entertaining...

Don't we look fantastic at 5 in the morning? Our sock puppets were in much better shape than we were. Even the plastic whistling gnome looks better than we do. Sad.

A day after the Windhams left, Jenny & I headed back to Bucharest.

Then she, too, left me to my wanderings around the city and in the mountains. And that brings us up to this week.

Today I came home, and I'm planning to stay here for a while! Maybe I can actually write something other than a travelogue now. Maybe.