04 December 2006

Catching Up

A few pictures to catch up on the last few weeks...

At a conference for worship leaders with a team from Hillsongs (Australia)

My sad Thanksgiving turkey...have you ever seen such a skinny thing? He's almost all bone!

My 3rd Thanksgiving dinner this year (Canadian thanksgiving in October, American thanksgivig on the "real" day, and then again a couple of days later at the English school here in town, an outreach activity with all of students who are coming to learn language and culture.) I made another 5 kg. worth of mashed potatoes (and now have a nice stash of leftover mashed potatoes in the freezer) and several green bean casseroles (no French's Dried Onions here...but I learned that a snack food something like Funions works just as well).

The Christmas lights at University Square in Bucharest. Most years, they are very colorful. This year, everything is dominated by the European Union theme as Romania will officially become part of the union on January 1. So, the lights are all blue with the occasional ring of gold stars (from the EU flag).

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